Osnovna je misija Centra za obnovu kulture pomoći javnosti produbiti razumijevanje istinskih temelja za slobodno društvo u Hrvatskoj.
The Centre for the Renewal of Culture promotes the values and doctrines of conservatism.
As conservatives, we believe that it is the soundness of a society’s culture which supremely matters – and we recognise that Croatian culture, and the Western culture of which it is a part, are profoundly shaped by Christianity. If our culture ever cuts off those roots, or loses that awareness, our nations as we know them will surely die.
We see no conflict between liberty, properly understood, including the free economy, and the maintenance of traditional values. Indeed, freedom is part of the heritage of our civilisation. Our conservative approach, therefore, involves vigorously promoting the doctrines of limited government, private property, low taxes and light regulation, and free - but fair - competition, always supported by personal responsibility.
Both as believers in human dignity and as advocates of a strong society, we regard it as a fundamental duty of the state to protect human Life, from conception to the point of natural death. It is also a prime responsibility of government to uphold and encourage the traditional family.
The various threats to national identity and independence, to individual liberty, including freedom of expression, and to the traditional ordering of society represented by what is described as globalism, require conservatives today to rethink their approach, while holding on to their convictions.
National sovereignty must be protected and defended. National interest must come before the interests of unbridled global capitalism. Depopulation of a country and then repopulation by those who have no connection with it is not an acceptable option. Healthy demographics are the only sustainable basis for sound economics.
A deeper understanding of our history – both as nations and as a civilisation – is
required to resist the campaigns which the New Left, often supported by old
structures, wages in its relentless war against order and religion. The truth about the
crimes of Communism and the stupidities of socialism must be told - however
embarrassing for some. Through appreciating our past, we can help to renew our
culture, and so safeguard our future.

Robin Harris
PresidentHistorian, journalist, former adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher – he is a
Croatian citizen and lives in Croatia. He received the Order of the Croatian Morning Star in
2008, and the Andrija Buvina Prize for outstanding services to Christian Culture in 2017. His
book titles include: Dubrovnik – A History, Talleyrand- Betrayer and Saviour of France, The
Conservatives – A History, Not for Turning – The Complete Life of Margaret Thatcher,
Stepinac – His Life and Times and Croatia: a History – From Revolution to Independence.

Mate Ćurić
Secretary GeneralMate is an entrepreneur and an economics graduate at the University of Zagreb. His company is a distributor of medical products. He is an alumnus of the Robert Schuman Institute and the Croatian Statehood Foundation. He lives in Zagreb with his wife Marija and six children.
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