Free Market Road Show Zagreb: “Public Support and the Increasing Public Sector”

Free Market Road Show 2021. u Zagrebu

Pozivamo Vas na ovogodišnji Free Market Road Show u Zagrebu koji će se održati 13. srpnja u 19 sati pod temom: “Public Support and the Increasing Public Sector”.

FMRS Zagreb moći ćete pratiti uživo preko poveznice koja će biti dostupna na

Na panelu sudjeluju: Stjepo Bartulica, Andrej Grubišić, Hrvoje Serdarušić i Mate Ćurić kao moderator.


Free Market Road Show 2021 održava se u 30 gradova diljem Europe pod zajedničkim naslovom: Ways Out of the Gridlock.

Događaji kojima svjedočimo u posljednjih više od godinu dana u Europi, prouzročili su porast populizma, nacionalizma, izravno odlučivanje europskih vlada i državne intervencije. Politike koje su se pokazale neučinkovitima i nemoralnima vraćaju se nevoljkošću stanovništva na način da se problemi rješavaju isključivo državnom intervencijom.

Pesimistično je i porazno da prevladava svjetonazor koji traži spas društva napadajući privatno vlasništvo, individualnu slobodu i slobodno tržište. Drugim riječima, to je napad na kapitalistički poredak.

FMRS 2021 otvara različite poglede i potiče raspravu o duhu slobode i inovacija koji vode napretku i prosperitetu.


Poruka direktorice Austrijskog ekonomskog centra (AEC) dr. Barbare Kolm;

The Austrian Economics Center (AEC), in cooperation with over 100 leading think-tanks and universities across Europe and the Caucasus, and in association with international partners such as the Global Philanthropic Trust, The Krieble Foundation, Americans for Tax Reform, Competitive Enterprise Institute, World Taxpayers Associations, European Students for Liberty, and the Hayek Institut, is proud to present this year´s Free Market Road Show.

Measures to fight COVID-19 have led to a crisis composed of a bundle of economic, social, and health problems, mixed with a new understanding of governance. Individual and entrepreneurial rights have been eroded, nationalistic and paternalistic approaches to business, trade, and production – not least of medical supplies – were all of a sudden acceptable.

While the progress in vaccination campaigns bears great hope, there are still many aspects and consequences of the pandemic that need to be discussed and solved.

Together let´s find the Way Out of the Gridlock!

The Center for the Renewal of Culture promotes conservative values, liberty and the free market.

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