Izjava podrške protiv filokomunističkih aktivnosti u Sloveniji – protiv totalitarnog mraka

COK - 05/28/2023 - Europska unija / Ljudska prava / Povijest

Centar za obnovu kulture (COK) snažno podržava prosvjed protiv filokomunističkih aktivnosti trenutne Vlade u Sloveniji. Pozivamo sve antikomuniste, antitotalitariste, demokrate i sve ljude zdravog razuma da se pridruže ovoj akciji.

Podsjećamo kako je lijeva slovenska Vlada pod premijerom Robertom Golobom ukinula Nacionalni dan sjećanja na žrtve komunizma koji se trebao održati 17. svibnja ove godine. Mnoge aktivnosti prikrivenih ljevičara u Sloveniji okrenute su prema rehabilitaciji zločinačkog jugoslavenskog režima diktatora Josipa Broza Tita.

Centar za obnovu kulture (COK) pridružuje se nastojanjima dr. Andreje Valič Zver i PEMC-a u izražavanju nezadovoljstva ovakvim politikama u prijateljskoj nam Sloveniji.

Platforma PEMC (Platform of European Memory and Conscience) osnovana je 2011. godine s ciljem povećavanja javne svijesti o europskoj povijesti, zločinima totalitarnih režima i stvaranju paneuropskog dokumentacijskog centra za žrtve svih totalitarnih režima, s ciljem obilježavanja sjećanja na žrtve i podizanja svijesti o zločinima koje su ti režimi počinili. Pročitajte više: https://www.memoryandconscience.eu/


Pismo dr. Andreje Valič Zver, članice odbora PEMC-a, prenosimo u cijelosti:

Dear Members of the Platform of European Memory and Conscience (PEMC) Board, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, dear friends.

I would like to inform you that the leftist Slovenian government under the PM Robert Golob abolished the National Memorial Day for the Victims of Communism which is to be held on 17 May. The National Memorial Day was established under the PM Janez Janša in 2022.

PM Golob’s government accepted the grave decision at the night session in writing which used to be the communist government habit. Due to catastrophic economic results Golob’s government has been constantly driving the ideological battles in order to restore non-democratic ways of dealing with social and political affairs.

Let me mention only some of them. A few weeks ago Golob’s government decided to abolish the Museum of Slovenian Independence. And just recently the decision has been taken on returning the giant Tito’s sculpture to the park of the Brdo castle (the protocol object). Namely, the sculpture of the murderous dictator was removed during the Slovenian presidency of the EU in 2021. The PM and ministers have been attending the Tito’s communist partisans celebrations all the time. The government in line with the left MEP’s have been severely attacking the national radio and television broadcaster (RTV Slovenia) and journalists.

Dear friends,

I am afraid the current development in Slovenia due to poor democratic transition is bad for democracy in Europe and the world, too.

I would like to ask you to protest against this concerning state of affairs and support the democratic forces that oppose insane sliding into the dark totalitarian swamp.

Many thanks in advance.

Sincerely yours,

dr. Andreja Valič Zver
Member of the PEMC Board


Službenu izjavu i podršku ovoj inicijativi dao je i PEMC (Platform of European Memory and Conscience) koju možete pročitati ovdje. 


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COK - 05/28/2023 - Europska unija / Ljudska prava / Povijest

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